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Warta Ekonomi Anugerahi 80 Perusahaan Penghasil Inovasi Terbaik

Warta Ekonomi Anugerahi 80 Perusahaan Penghasil Inovasi Terbaik Kredit Foto: Sufri Yuliardi
Warta Ekonomi, Jakarta -

Melalui Most Innovative Business Award 2018, Warta Ekonomi menganugerahi 80 perusahaan penghasil inovasi terbaik. Penghargaan tersebut merupakan suatu bentuk apresiasi kepada perusahaan di Indonesia yang mampu menghasilkan inovasi terbaik sehingga dapat terus berkembang dan berkompetisi dalam ketatnya persaingan industri.

Inovasi dapat didefinisikan sebagai proses implementasi ide baru menjadi nilai atau produk dalam perusahaan, seperti menciptakan pelayanan baru, sistem dan proses baru, atau pun menyempurnakan hal-hal yang telah ada dalam perusahaan. Inovasi dapat membantu perusahaan meningkatkan kualitas produk atau jasa, menciptakan pasar baru, memperluas jangkauan produk, mengurangi biaya produksi, dan meningkatkan proses produksi.

Terlebih lagi, saat ini perubahan zaman dan kondisi perekonomiaan yang tidak menentu turut memengaruhi kinerja perusahaan dalam negeri. Beradaptasi dengan perubahan itu sendiri merupakan cara ampuh yang dapat dilakukan perusahaan untuk dapat bertahan menghadapi perkembangan zaman. Nah, salah satunya yakni dengan melakukan inovasi. 


Dalam menentukan perusahaan-perusahaan yang terpilih sebagai pemenang Most Innovative Business Award 2018, tim riset Warta Ekonomi melakukan penelitan dengan metode desk research. Desk research dilakukan untuk menilai inovasi bisnis pada perusahaan-perusahaan di Indonesia melalui laporan terpublikasi. Kandidat pemenang ditentukan berdasarkan dari kinerja keuangan dan observasi tim riset atas inovasi yang telah dilakukan oleh perusahaan terkait. Kriteria yang digali dalam desk research adalah sebagai berikut.

  • Sejarah dan citra perusahaan
  • Inovasi produk dan jasa
  • Strategi dalam proses produksi yang dilakukan perusahaan dalam upaya berkompetisi dan mengembangkan perusahaan tahun 2015–2017.

Setelah mendapatkan seluruh informasi yang diperlukan, tim riset melakukan penilaian terhadap perusahaan-perusahaan terpilih untuk menentukan pemenang dalam setiap kategori industri.

Parameter Penilaian

Penelitian untuk menentukan perusahan yang inovatif dalam Most Innovative Business Award 2018 dilakukan berdasarkan empat bentuk inovasi, yaitu inovasi produk dan jasa, proses, organisasi, dan model bisnis.

1. Inovasi Produk dan Jasa

Inovasi produk dan jasa adalah pengenalan terhadap produk atau jasa yang baru atau secara signifikan meningkat sehubungan dengan karakteristik atau penggunaan yang dimaksud. Keberadaan inovasi dalam produk dan jasa suatu perusahaan ada jika terdapat perluasan lini produk atau jasa di perusahaan. Misalnya, perusahaan mengeluarkan produk atau jasa yang baru bagi perusahaan, tetapi sudah tersedia di pasar, atau pun perusahaan mengeluarkan produk atau jasa yang benar-benar baru, baik bagi perusahaan maupun bagi pasar.

2. Inovasi Proses

Inovasi proses adalah elemen baru yang dikenalkan kepada suatu proses produksi atau operasi jasa perusahaan. Suatu perusahaan mengalami inovasi dalam proses jika perusahaan tersebut menggunakan bahan baku baru, mengalami mekanisme kerja baru, memiliki spesifikasi tugas baru, menggunakan peralatan baru, dan sebagainya.

3. Inovasi Organisasi

Inovasi strategi dapat diartikan sebagai upaya perusahaan baik berupa visi, misi, maupun peningkatan input perusahaan (sumber daya manusia, metode, dan lain-lain) yang dapat mendorong terjadinya inovasi dalam perusahaan. Inovasi strategi dapat juga dilihat dari rencana perusahaan dalam jangka pendek atau jangka panjang.

4. Inovasi Pemasaran

Inovasi pemasaran digambarkan dengan terjadinya pengembangan metode pencarian pangsa pasar baru. Metode pemasaran baru yang melibatkan perubahan signifikan pada desain atau kemasan produk, penempatan produk, promosi produk, atau harga. 

Berikut ini adalah daftar 80 perusahaan pemenang Indonesia Most Innovative Business Award 2017.

Advertising, Printing, and Media Sector

  • PT First Media Tbk - Excellent Company for Product and Service Innovation in Advertising, Printing, and Media Sector
  • PT Media Nusantara Citra Tbk - Excellent Company for Organizational Innovation in Advertising, Printing, and Media Sector
  • PT MNC Sky Vision Tbk - Excellent Company for Product and Service Innovation in Advertising, Printing, and Media Sector

Agriculture Sector

  • PT Astra Agro Lestari Tbk - Excellent Company for Organizational Innovation in Agriculture Sector
  • PT Smart Tbk (SMART) - Excellent Company for Business Process Innovation in Agriculture Sector

Automotive Sector

  • PT Toyota Astra Motor - Excellent Company for Organizational Innovation in Automotive Sector
  • PT Astra Daihatsu Motor Excellent - Company for Product and Business Process Innovation in Automotive Sector
  • PT Mitsubishi Motors Krama Yudha Sales Indonesia - Excellent Company for Service Innovation in Automotive Sector

Automotive Component Sector

  • PT Astra International Tbk - Excellent Company for Marketing Innovation in Automotive Components Sector
  • PT Astra Otoparts Tbk - Excellent Company for Service and Organizational Innovation in Automotive Components Sector
  • PT Goodyear Indonesia Tbk - Excellent Company for Service and Process Innovation in Automotive Components Sector

Bank Sector

  • PT Bank Central Asia Tbk - Excellent Company for Service and Business Process Innovation in Bank Sector
  • PT Bank Mandiri (PERSERO) Tbk - Excellent Company for Service and Marketing Innovation in Bank Sector
  • PT Bank Tabungan Pensiunan Nasional Tbk - Excellent Company for Service and Organizational Innovation in Bank Sector

Animal Feed Sector

  • PT Japfa Comfeed Indonesia Tbk - Excellent Company for Business Process Innovation in Animal Feed Sector

Bicycle Manufacturing Sector

  • PT Insera Sena (Polygon) - Excellent Company for Product and Marketing Innovation in Bicycle Manufacturing Sector

Cement Sector

  • PT Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk - Excellent Company for Product and Organizational Innovation in Cement Sector
  • PT Semen Baturaja Tbk - Excellent Company for Organizational and Process Innovation in Cement Sector
  • PT Wijaya Karya Beton Tbk - Excellent Company for Business Process Innovation in Cement Sector

Cigarette Sector

  • PT HM Sampoerna Tbk - Excellent Company for Organizational and Process Innovation in Cigarette Sector
  • PT Gudang Garam Tbk - Excellent Company for Organizational Innovation in Cigarette Sector

Computer and Services Sector

  • PT Anabatic Technologies Tbk - Excellent Company for Organizational Innovation in Computer and Services Sector
  • PT Astra Graphia Tbk - Excellent Company for Business Process Innovation in Computer and Services  Sector
  • PT Metrodata Electronics Tbk - Excellent Company for Product and Service Innovation in Computer and Services Sector

Construction and Building Sector

  • PT Adhi Karya (Persero) Tbk - Excellent Company for Product Innovation in Construction and Building Sector
  • PT PP (Persero) Tbk - Excellent Company for Business Process Innovation in Construction and Building Sector
  • PT Wijaya Karya (Persero) Tbk - Excellent Company for Product and Business Process Innovation in Construction and Building Sector

Cosmetics and Personal Care Sector

  • PT Kino Indonesia Tbk - Excellent Company for Product and Organizational Innovation in Cosmetics and Personal Care Sector
  • PT Mustika Ratu Tbk - Excellent Company for Product Innovation in Cosmetics and Personal Care Sector
  • PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk - Excellent Company for Marketing and Organizational Innovation in Cosmetics and Personal Care Sector

Dermatology & Aesthetic Clinic Sector

  • Dermaster Aesthetic and Hair Clinic - Excellent Company for Product and Service Innovation in Dermatology & Aesthetic Clinic Sector
  • Erha Clinic - Excellent Company for Organizational and Process Innovation in Dermatology & Aesthetic Clinic Sector
  • MDGlowing - Excellent Company for Marketing Innovation in Dermatology & Aesthetic Clinic Sector

Electronics Sector

  • PT Asus Service Indonesia - Excellent Company for Product Innovation in Electronics Sector
  • PT Hartono Istana Teknologi (Polytron) - Excellent Company for Product Innovation in Electronics Sector
  • PT Samsung Electronics Indonesia - Excellent Company for Product and Business Process Innovation in Electronics Sector

Food and Beverages Sector

  • PT Indofood CBP Sukses Makmur Tbk - Excellent Company for Product and Marketing Innovation in Food and Beverages Sector
  • PT Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk - Excellent Company for Organizational Innovation in Food and Beverages Sector
  • PT Mayora Indah Tbk - Excellent Company for Product and Marketing Innovation in Food and Beverages Sector

Healthcare Sector

  • PT Prodia Widyahusada Tbk - Excellent Company for Service Innovation in Healthcare Sector
  • PT Siloam International Hospitals Tbk - Excellent Company for Service and Marketing Innovation in Healthcare Sector

Houseware Sector

  • PT Chitose Internasional Tbk - Excellent Company for Product Innovation in Houseware Sector

Hotel, Restaurant, and Tourism Sector

  • PT Fast Food Indonesia Tbk - Excellent Company for Marketing Innovation in Hotel, Restaurant, and Tourism Sector
  • PT MNC Land Tbk - Excellent Company for Organizational Innovation in Hotel, Restaurant, and Tourism Sector
  • TAUZIA Hotel Management Indonesia - Excellent Company for Product and Service Innovation in Hotel, Restaurant, and Tourism Sector

Insurance Sector

  • Asuransi Astra - Excellent Company for Service and Business Process Innovation in Insurance Sector
  • PT Lippo General Insurance Tbk - Excellent Company for Product and Service Innovation in Insurance Sector
  • PT Prudential Life Assurance (Prudential Indonesia) - Excellent Company for Product, Service and Marketing Innovation in Insurance Sector

Manufacturing Sector

  • PT Pertamina Lubricants - Excellent Company for Product Innovation in Manufacturing Sector

Multifinance Sector

  • PT Adira Dinamika Multifinance Tbk - Excellent Company for Product and Service Innovation in Multifinance Sector
  • PT BFI Finance Indonesia Tbk - Excellent Company for Product, Service and Marketing Innovation in Multifinance Sector
  • PT Radana Bhaskara Finance TBK - Excellent Company for Product and Service Innovation in Multifinance Sector

Oil and Gas Sector

  • PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (Persero) Tbk - Excellent Company for Product and Service Innovation in Oil and Gas Sector
  • PT Surya Esa Perkasa Tbk - Excellent Company for Business Process Innovation in Oil and Gas Sector

Pharmacy Sector

  • PT Darya-Varia Laboratoria Tbk – Excellent Company for Product Innovation in Pharmacy Sector
  • PT Kalbe Farma Tbk - Excellent Company for Organizational Innovation in Pharmacy Sector
  • PT Kimia Farma (Persero) Tbk - Excellent Company for Product Innovation in Pharmacy Sector
  • PT Industri Jamu dan Farmasi Sido Muncul Tbk - Excellent Company for Product and Marketing Innovation in Pharmacy Sector

Property and Real Estate Sector

  • PT Alam Sutera Realty Tbk - Excellent Company for Product and Service Innovation in Property and Real Estate Sector
  • PT Ciputra Development Tbk - Excellent Company for Organizational Innovation in Property and Real Estate Sector
  • PT PP Properti Tbk - Excellent Company for Product Innovation in Property and Real Estate Sector

Retail Sector

  • PT Ace Hardware Indonesia Tbk - Excellent Company for Service Innovation in Retail Sector
  • PT Matahari Putra Prima Tbk - Excellent Company for Organizational Innovation in Retail Sector
  • PT Sumber Alfaria Trijaya Tbk - Excellent Company for Product and Service Innovation in Retail Sector

Securities Sector

  • PT Panin Sekuritas Tbk - Excellent Company for Service Innovation in Securities Sector
  • PT Trimegah Sekuritas Indonesia Tbk - Excellent Company for Service Innovation in Securities Sector

Mining Sector

  • PT ANTAM (Persero) Tbk - Excellent Company for Business Process Innovation in Mining Sector
  • PT Merdeka Copper Gold Tbk - Excellent Company for Product Innovation in Mining Sector
  • PT Timah (Persero) Tbk - Excellent Company for Organizational Innovation in Mining Sector

Telecommunication Sector

  • PT Indosat Tbk - Excellent Company for Product and Business Process Innovation in Telecommunication Sector
  • PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Persero) Tbk - Excellent Company for Product and Marketing Innovation in Telecommunication Sector
  • PT XL Axiata Tbk - Excellent Company for Product and Organizational Innovation in Telecommunication Sector

Textile and Garment Sector

  • PT Pan Brothers Tbk - Excellent Company for Organizational Innovation in Textile and Garment Sector
  • PT Polychem Indonesia Tbk - Excellent Company for Product and Business Process Innovation in Textile and Garment Sector

Transportation Sector

  • PT Cardig Aero Services Tbk - Excellent Company for Organizational Innovation in Transportation Sector
  • PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero) Tbk - Excellent Company for Service and Organizational Innovation in Transportation Sector
  • PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) - Excellent Company for Service and Business Process Innovation in Transportation Sector

Wholesale Sector

  • PT AKR Corporindo Tbk - Excellent Company for Service and Organizational Innovation in Wholesale Sector
  • PT Lautan Luas Tbk - Excellent Company for Marketing and Business Process Innovation in Wholesale Sector
  • PT Mitra Pinasthika Mustika Tbk - Excellent Company for Organizational Innovation in Wholesale Sector

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Penulis: Ratih Rahayu
Editor: Ratih Rahayu

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