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Virus Corona Bikin Cemas, Istri Bill Gates Ingatkan Jaga Kesehatan Mental

Virus Corona Bikin Cemas, Istri Bill Gates Ingatkan Jaga Kesehatan Mental Kredit Foto: Instagram/thisisbillgates
Warta Ekonomi, Jakarta -

Kegiatan masyarakat di tengah pandemi virus corona (COVID-19) memang jadi terbatas. Berbagai cara dilakukan pemerintah untuk menekan angka penyebaran akivat virus serupa flu ini. Mulai dari lockdown, self quarantine, work from home hingga social distancing.

Tak jarang hal-hal tersebut membuat banyak orang khawatir, cemas dan ikut panik terpapar virus corona. Terlebih bagi sebagian orang yang masih harus bekerja di tengah wabah virus corona ini dan harus menerapkan social distancing.

Baca Juga: Bill Gates Ramal Virus Corona Akan Berakhir dalam 2-3 Bulan, Asalkan. . .

Sama halnya seperti orang-orang yang harus work from home (WFH), istri Bill Gates, Melinda Gates juga harus work from home.

Lewat akun Instagram pribadinya @melindafrenchgates, Melinda berbagi pengalamannya selama masa work from home (WFH) alias bekerja dari rumah. Ia juga mengingatkan agar orang-orang memperhatikan kesehatan mental mereka.

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Social distancing is essential to slowing the spread of COVID-19, but it’s left many people feeling isolated and anxious. We need to take care of our mental health, too, during this pandemic. ????????? How are you keeping your spirits up? For my part, in between video meetings about our coronavirus response and other foundation issues, I’ve made a point to get outside (while still following social distancing rules!) to soak in the natural beauty of the Pacific Northwest. These cherry blossoms lifted my spirits. ????????? I’ve also been reading news stories about humanity at its best—Italians singing from their balconies, families applauding healthcare workers from their windows, and young people buying groceries for their elderly neighbors. ????????? And I’ve been making a point of staying in touch with friends and family online. Since we couldn’t do our usual Monday morning walk in person this week, three of my best friends and I caught up over a video call. ????????? While it’s important that we remain physically apart right now, we can—and should—stay connected to the people around us.

A post shared by Melinda Gates (@melindafrenchgates) on

"Social distancing sangat penting untuk memperlambat penyebaran COVID-19. Namun hal itu membuat banyak orang merasa terisolasi dan cemas. Kita juga harus menjaga kesehatan mental kita selama pandemi ini," tulisnya, dikutip dari akun Instagram @melindafrenchgates.

Dalam postingan tersebut, Melinda tampak sedang berada di ruang terbuka. Dia bercerita bahwa di sela deretan rapat lewat melalui video call tentang penanggulangan virus corona, dia berupaya menghibur diri dengan pergi ke alam terbuka sambil tetap mengikuti aturan agar menjaga jarak.

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Penulis: Fajria Anindya Utami
Editor: Fajria Anindya Utami

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